Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Costume Quest interview.

Not so much an interview as Double Fine CEO Tim Schafer and Costume Quest project lead Tasha Harris talking about the game while new footage plays. The problem with this video, I think, is that if you're a gamer who isn't familiar with Double Fine and Mr Schafer, you may come away with the opinion that these folks aren't very pumped about what they're doing - but those who are familiar will see Double Fine doing what it does best: The Weird Shit.

Stuff other devs wouldn't touch with a ten foot pole because it doesn't have proven profitability. Fun stuff.

The combat looks a bit simplistic - I do like that it's turn-based - but given that it uses a few mechanics that worked very well in the Penny Arcade Adventures titles, I'm certainly prepared to give it the benefit of the doubt.


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