Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Deep fried clams and chocolate cake

Chocolate cake with triple berry preserve.


                 Deep fried clam meat two ways . 

My chocolate cake recipe has grown legs and is MIA . Here is the recipes for deep fried clam meat two ways . 


1 package clam meat

2 cups rice crackers crushed

1 tsp salt and pepper 

1 tsp chili powder

1  egg

1/2 cup white rice flour


1 package of clam meat

1/2 cup sorghum flour

1 egg

1 tsp salt

For crunchy style dredge clam meat in flour dip in beaten eggs then toss in crunchy mixture . fry at 100 F for 30 seconds . Do in small batches so they don't stick .

Batter combine everything but clam meat in a bowl . Add water if too gummy . Dip clam meat into batter and fry at 100F for 30 seconds . Also do in small batches because these tend to stick together .

I've been quite busy lately as summer usually is but I have been doing my test kitchen just not posting (bad me I know) . In the next few days I will catch up with my posts as I just made an awesome lemon cake and cocoa peanut butter cookies with jam . mmmmmm jam . There now you have something to look forward too.

Happy test kitchens everyone!


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