Wednesday, August 25, 2010


I know I haven't been blogging much lately. I should have more free time for blogging, because the time I have to be at work is less now than it has been and ever will be again. Today I got home at 07:30. Only one optic is being built now, and there are only 14 layers, so I don't have a lot to do. The second optic is going to start soon, maybe today, which will double my work load. When the optics get to a certain size, I think 60 layers, the number of mirrors doubles, and so does my work on that optic. When they're both over 60, I'll be a busy beaver. Now I have a lot of free time, but I've been busy flicking.

The problem is an iPhone app, Skee-Ball. Just like the ones at the arcade. I flick my finger and the ball rolls down the lane, jumps up, and goes in one of the holes. My score is put on an ordered list of all the players. I started at 18,000 or so, and my goal is to get to 400, since an app reviewer wrote about the game, calling it addictive, and said he'd gotten to 400.

The game was fun at first, but now I'm just obsessed with getting my ranking to 400. So I come home from work, read the paper, then flick, flick, flick. When I have breaks at work, flick, flick, flick. Eventually, of course, I feel guilty doing nothing but flicking, so I do something productive, like pay my bills. After I pay a few, I feel like I deserve a short break, so flick, flick, flick. Clean up my office. Flick, flick, flick. Go to the store. Flick, flick, flick. You get the idea. It's flicking ridiculous.

I don't have far to go. At the moment I'm ranked 814. But it's getting harder. The scores are farther and farther apart, so I have to sink more and more balls to move up. And every time I look, I've dropped a couple of places because people have passed me. But, little by little, I'm approaching 400.

There, I've blogged!

Flick, flick, flick.


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