Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Freelance Writing Jobs: I Just Discovered a Revolution in Freelance Writing Gigs!

I just got my application approved with a new freelance contracting company, Once approved News Collective will act as your Article, Photo, or Video broker and allow publishers from around the world, no really!, to bid on your content it's really awesome you guys and after be contracted with Suite101,which is also a great freelance writing site but payment varies, and only making residual income (ad revenue) I find News Collective to be very refreshing and now I can't wait to post my first article for sale!

But now that I have an approved account with News Collective I can send email invites to my friends, so if any one wants me to send an NC email invite to them leave a comment on this particular blog post.

*How to assemble email request comment:
Comment line 1: Your thoughts on this post or topic of this post.
Comment line 2: Write "Send me a NC e-mail invite"
Comment line 3: Cut and Paste the URL of your Latest freelance article(not blog post) that's at least 420 words, this is so I can give you pointers on it before you submit your application, News Collective will ask for this same info. Do Not Post the URL of your blog/blog posts as that comment will be deleted!Use the box provided for your blog url.

**This post is not for self promotion or advertising do not comment on this post unless you have an actual thought and/or questions about this post/topic of this post that you would like to share or are serious about getting an email invite and working for NC, don't post spam or it will be deleted and continual spammers will be banned! 

***Do Not Post Your Email Address in Your Comment! Fill out the form.


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