Wednesday, August 25, 2010

How to Crawl Your Website Faster (Ethically) Through Online Tools?

Architecture of a Web crawler.Image via Wikipedia
How to crawl your website faster using all the online tools is the question of most of the entrepreneurs. You can get a lot of information in the internet itself about this. However what you will not get is how to use this method in an ethical way. This is something that you need to focus on.

A web crawler is a software negotiator which defines the hyperlinks of a page and adds them to its list called crawl frontier. This is very true that most search engines have a stipulated time crawling. They never waste time while moving through different websites.

The first thing that you need to keep on your mind is that your server needs to be responsive. It has to work fast to grab maximum web traffic. You cannot afford to give away your potentials to competitors because of a slow server. Again it has to work efficiently which can reduce your bandwidth and save some money.

Then your content needs to be updated at regular intervals. Make sure that your content is fresh and new. In fact if you want to make your content unique then it needs to have 30% original information which should be not have been used by any website.

Then you need to get your pages load faster additionally. Of course your potentials and customers should be not be waiting long to download information from your site or navigate through your web pages. Make sure that you use easy navigation so that people can read through easily and effortlessly.

Another thing that you need to take care of is to troubleshoot the crawling of your websites. Sometimes the crawling gets stuck and you can simply resolve the issue by viewing your crawl report. This report helps you to analyze everything related to web crawling as well as the reports of SEO optimization of your website.

Above all make sure that you use technology in an ethical way. If you employ honesty it may take tome to show you results but it will not cost anything. In other words keep away from Black Hat SEO techniques to optimize your page. In order to crawl your website the faster through online tools you need to follow ethical ways.


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