Monday, August 16, 2010

I just realized what today was. D:

That today I only have ten days of summer vacation left... Wow, it went by so fast, yet so slow at the same time. XD Well, if I only have this much time left, I still have a ton of stuff left to do! I thought I still had plenty of weeks left until I was sent back into slave work, so I better get crackin'!

I have one commission left to do, so I'll see if I can get that done tomorrow, as long as the commissioner emails me quickly back and forth and so on. This will be, hopefully, the last commission I have to do, and will be the third from this summer. I've decided I'll leave commissions open during the school year, but not Art Trades, but we'll see how that goes.

I still have to make my replica of Card Captor Sakura's key from wire and Sculpy, do a water color painting, buy my books, get a hard drive, get a new pair of jeans, take pictures of my Jenna cosplay, rebuild my Form and Space project that broke on the way home, and organism all my battle chips... Because they are still all sitting there in a pile and need to be put in their cases so they can be dust free. Speaking of which, I still need to test them out... I have batteries for the PET, so at least that's all checked out and I don't need to worry about that... But still, uhg, so much to do! XD

It's just been so hot outside, and the heat has me rendered useless until the AC comes on, and then there the puppy who wants all my attention. -_- Wha, maybe when school finally starts I can relax then. XD lolol

On another note, I also want to make it a priority to fix up my Capcom Unity contest way back when before school starts, because I really feel like it needs to be done. Plus, it's just bugging me. I hate the way it looks now, and it needs to be dealt with asap!


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