Monday, August 16, 2010

I'm nominating Gohmann and Carrie for Pambassador!

From the Wall Street Journal:

"Chengdu, one of the the largest cities in China’s southwest region, is on the hunt for a so-called Pambassador...The Chengdu Panda Base and World Wide Fund for Nature announced a search for six “charismatic and environment-conscious individuals,” who will win all-expenses-paid trips to the panda base in exchange for a month’s worth of online panda propaganda — daily blogging on the the Panda Project website and messaging to friends on social-networking sites.

Organizers of the panda contest have not yet determined if Pambassadors, who are required to have a strong command of English, will have access to Facebook and Twitter. The two social-media sites are blocked in China. Details will be divulged in September, when judges review applications submitted online and pick 12 final contestants.

Considering all the dogs that are now groomed to look like pandas [RDL: Um...Amazing..see below] and all the zoos that host 24-hour Internet “panda-cams,” allowing crazed panda fans to survey their favorite animals online at all times [RDL: RIP Panda channel :(], it’s unlikely the animal itself needs any more attention than it already gets. But Chengdu hopes that by raising the panda’s profile, it will boost its own. The Sichuan capital is home to the largest population of pandas in captivity...

The Pambassador campaign is the second panda-related project from Ogilvy and Chengdu this year. In March, the city aimed to heighten its environmental image by promoting Earth Hour, a World Wide Fund-founded environmental event in which all nonessential lights are turned off for one hour. It gave giant panda Mei Lan the honors of turning off the lights in her own home."


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