Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Indoor Gardening With Foliage Plants

Plants grown primarily for their leaf characteristics and utilized for interior decoration or landscape purposes are called foliage plants. In our society becomes more urban, living plants as part of the interior landscape increases. The use of live foliage plants brings individuals closer to an outdoor type of environment, and the great variety of plants gives us the opportunity to select the species that serve as attractive additions to interior decor. Foliage plants are excellent for indoor culture since they are able to survive under unfavorable environmental conditions for many other plants.

Most gardeners are eager to grow plants all year round. Seeds started in the living room, grow ferns in the bathroom, put the begonias in the garden outdoors year after year, and have pots of herbs in the kitchen. Today there are many interesting plants that can be grown indoors there is simply no reason for a gardener not surrounded by plants throughout the year.

Everyone can grow foliage plants indoors with little effort if the plant used in the right place. large-leaved species, such as rubber plants (Ficus elastica), Monstera deliciosa, dumb cane (Dieffenbachia amoena), and Philodendron are especially suited to commercial building interiors. They provide the necessary size to be focal points in interior landscaping. These large leaves, plants, and smaller samples, such as ferns, vines, ivy and may serve a similar purpose in the home or apartment.

Practical Steps for the purchase of plants

Indoor plants are raised in glass greenhouses in which the air is warm and humid. When brought into the average home, they need to withstand the most adverse conditions outside the plant average. Defying the minimum conditions such as light, inadequate ventilation, warmer temperatures, drafts, dry air contribute to stressful conditions for plants. Bearing in mind the following points will help in the selection of houseplants to complement your interior d ้ cor and live for many years to come.

1. Strong and vigorous. Give the plant a quick shake. A plant that is unstable in its pot may not be well established. Shaking the plant also tells you if the plant has whiteflies that will be scattered in all directions if the plant is infested.

2. Evergreen - As will be seen every day of the year, the plants should be evergreen.

March. Attractive - Some foliage plants flowers from time to time, but the main reason for buying the foliage of the plant and how plants grow. The leaves can be selected for their color or shape, or both, and growth habit should be attractive and require minimal maintenance.

4. Slow growth - Select plants that are slow growing, without a lot of pruning or training. They will perform better over a long period of time.

5. Roots, Crowded - Check the bottom of the plant for roots coming out of the drainage holes. Roots emerging from holes in the pot does not necessarily mean that the plant is potted, "but is often a first symptom. plants root bound will need a transplant when you get home from the plant.

6. Unhealthy roots - If you can, have the employee take the plant from the pot to see if the roots crowded. The roots of all shapes, sizes and colors. They always should feel firm and not soft. Squishy roots are a sign of root rot.

7. Stem and root rot - Sniff the potting mix. Signs of rot smell like the sweet smell of a rotten potato. Do not buy this plant, because it probably has a bad case of rot on the stem or root rot.

8. Leaf spots, yellowed leaves, or abundant leaf loss - Leaf spots can be a sign of disease or caused by the friction of the plants in a garden center. A yellow leaf or two at the base of the plant is nothing to worry about. If you see many yellow leaves or have been, however, the plant is probably so stressed not a good option. Damaged leaves never recover. Ask yourself if you're willing to wait for the plant production of new leaves or would you rather purchase a healthier looking model.

9. Leggy plants or brown leaf tips - These conditions are signs of a plant that has not received adequate attention during a period of time. thin plants show a lack of proper lighting.

10. Signs of insects or diseases - Look under the leaves and leaf axils (the place where the leaf joins the stem) where most often pests hang out. Do not buy this plant, because not only will you have a problem with it, but can also infect other plants at home.


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