Monday, August 16, 2010

Just look at this beautiful ribbon!

I got in some new Marina Mist Satin Ribbon and I couldn't wait to use it! I just love how rich and beautiful it looks. This is a card I made on the weekend. It was inspired by a swap card I received at Convention. I'm sorry I don't have the name of the original designer. I will look it up for you later.

I used Marina Mist, Early Espresso, Very Vanilla and Pear Pizzazz cardstock and Greenhouse Gala DSP. I used the beautiful Marina Mist Satin Ribbon (#119751 $12.25). I used the Vintage Wallpaper Impression Folder to emboss the Pear Pizzazz piece. I used the Charming stamp set and the sentiment is the Hostess Level 1 stamp set call Afterthoughts. I used a maker to colour only the Thanks part of the sentiment. The whole stamp says "Thanks i love being spoiled". I made a duplicate of this card with the entire sentiment for our Hostess of the weekend for having us at her cottage. I had everyone sign the card. Boy did she spoil us.

I hope you enjoyed the card today!



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