Monday, August 16, 2010

Let's Save an Animal

We will now go on a mission to save an animal
and make some money!
A golden stork icon down where the store and storage and gift and then missions and trophy icons are (this has not yet been released to every body)

We need to get 10 helping hands to save ....
in return for helping save the animals the first 10 people
to click will get a money reward.

Personally I do not think 10 is enough - people will want the money!
but since people had trouble trying to get 10 to click their circuses
zoo obviously feel this is a fair number.

If however the poster does not get 10 clicks they will still get a mushroom or money reward

The humpback whale - He is back - missed him

and a Mountain goat...

a spectacled bear

South China Tiger

Great White Shark

A tea cup Pig

Have fun peeps..


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