Monday, August 16, 2010

My Notepad Blogging - A Miniseries - Day 1

So some time ago, my boss being the kindhearted and open-minded

individual that he is, threatened that he would not pay me my last

month's pay, severance pay and plane ticket, if I ever used the

internet at work again. This left me with a distinct dilemma. What the

fuck do I do at work if I can't surf the net? I have a 2 hour break at

the beginning of each day before I start, and I have to do something

in that time to amuse myself. I considered doing some extra work to

prepare the classes, but quickly decided against it, on the grounds "I

just don't fucking feel like it."

Then it occurred to me, I can Notepad blog. My blog doesn't get updated

frequently enough, and I think this way it can get the loving it



Had another conversation with the boss. Apparently, the previous

agreement of being paid the rest of my wages is null and void. The

funniest thing is, both he and the coworker that were there to

translate, claim that he never agreed to this, and just agreed to pay

me half of one month's rent, so that I can find a place to live. This

really leaves only two possibilities, that she mis-translated to begin

with, or that at some point later, he decided, he didn't want to pay

me, and got her to go along with it. Considering that the entire time

we were in there, she was blaming me and my "attitude" at work for the

whole thing, I'm assuming it was the latter.

Which is yet another glorious example of why I can't wait to leave

this place. I'm incredibly tired of having to deal with fake

backstabbers, that spend their entire time pretending to be your

friends, so they can position themselves just right, to be able to

plunge the dagger as deep as possible into your heart.

I'm seriously wondering how I'll even survive here for the next three

weeks, knowing that people are plotting what is the most effective way

to scam me, and take away as much of my contractually owed dues as


In short, this goes back to my views on small businesses. If you at

any point are considering teaching abroad, be sure that you are

working for the public school system. It is by no means worth it to

ever consider a job in a private academy. Absolute hell is an


Also, it is a good point to bear in mind, that you should be weary of

your kiss-ass coworkers. Despite what they may say to you, about how

much they hate the boss, and how much of a douche they think he is,

they're all desperately trying to get ahead at work, and are baiting

you, so that they can set you up for failure, to make themselves look



I just found out, that the assmunch, wants us to write a short lesson

plan in the attendance sheet. Never mind that we already give this to

him in our daily logs at the end of the day, and that he gets the

attendance sheets at the end of the day. These two separate documents,

will contain the exact same information, only one will be shorter than

the other. He's asking us to duplicate work for no other reason than

to piss us off. Yes. MY attitude is the problem, not his.


And the blog continues. I'm trying to figure out, or at least make

sense of the Korean custom to divulge unnecessary information. A

perfect example is when I asked my coworker to translate a simple

request to my bank, that they issue me a statement. She went into this

whole back story, how I'm travelling to China, and I need it to get a

visa, and god knows what else, since I don't actually understand any

Korean. Now, why is this even remotely necessary? I want a fucking

bank statement. Why is none of the teller's business. Just give me the

statement, you don't need to know WHY. I'm not your cousin's husband,

you don't need to know every dirty little secret about my life.


I realize this blog is quickly devolving into pretty much just rants,

but that's what happens when you write down every random thought into

Notepad(tm). I think that despite the fact that the bastard boss is

Jew-ing me out of the last 2 weeks of so of pay (and throwing me out of

my apartment), I'll be able to manage. I have a pretty decent travel

schedule, that I'll hammer out in detail tonight when I get home.
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