Wednesday, August 25, 2010

New Template

I want to try one of the new templates that Google is offering.  This will give me a chance to better organize this blog.  I have to admit it's getting cluttered.  Besides I enjoy the process of setting it up. 
I gave up on trying to make some money using the AdSense ads.  But I'll keep one just to be fair to Google for allowing us to set up these personal blogs free of charge.
If you continue to visit my blog from time to time or follow it regularly I'll really appreciate it.

Some reasons:

A- It creatively lets me share my view of life.

B- My posts may start a "butterfly effect" which will lead to who knows where.
Butterfly Effect:
(Physics / General Physics) the idea, used in chaos theory, that a very small difference in the initial state of a physical system can make a significant difference to the state at some later time.
Chaos Theory:
(Mathematics) a theory, applied in various branches of science, that apparently random phenomena have underlying order.
 A butterfly flapping its wings in Rio de Janeiro might change the weather in Chicago.
Something in my posts may have an unpredictable effect somewhere else.

C- If I'm lucky I may even make a few contacts to exchange ideas with; or even some new friends.


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