Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Oregon Coast

We left for the Oregon Coast on Tuesday and got to Newport at lunchtime. We ate Mo's on the bay front -it was about 84 degrees in Newport. After lunch, I watched the kids bark at the sea lions, then drove to Lincoln City. It was cooler there - about 75.

After we got into the house, we went to the beach; however, it wasn't clear when I rented the house that it wasn't the ocean beach, but the Siletz Bay beach. We went to the bay beach and it was low tide - so it was a muddy/sandy walk to the water.

Then back for dinner and then we went to the beach for the sunset. Beautiful! When we started back to the car, we wre surprised to see the full (or almost full) moon has risen to the East! Wow, a sunset and moonrise al within a few minutes.

The house is kinda funky but it works. It's an old 1930's cottage with some additions. There's a hot tub which the kidsmhave really utilized.

Yesterday, we tried to go to the beach after we dropped off the rental car, but it was cloudy and windy. The kiddos flew a kite but it was really cold down on the beach. I took Eddie and Connor to the Arcade. Then I was able to go to the casino where I won $20! Then, I suffered from withdrawals, I think, because I got the chills and was really tired. I napped a little and I think I lost one of my turtle earrings from Hawaii. I hope I can find it before we go.

Then, today, we ran to Newport trying to find a Wii game for Eddie. No luck after several shops, but I did win $18 in lottery tickets. Then back for lunch, then We all went to look at shops near midtown Lincoln City and I found a shoe insert/arch support for my plantar fascitis. Then to the beach near Mo's where the boys and I hung out watching the waves. I saw a few seals in the surf and a murre (or cormorant?), the boys found a sand dune to roll down. Then back to the house for dinner.

I think I am heading back to the beach to watch the sunset soon. So far, a mostly relaxing time although it is hard to keep kiddos busy!they easily get bored!


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