Monday, August 16, 2010


All of my readers should be aware of the fact that I like the written word.  I'm becoming an English teacher after all.  So sometimes I like to mess around with things like riddles, word puzzles, oxymora, anagrams, panagrams, and ambigrams.  This week I've been coming up with a short list of oxymora for my readers to enjoy.  Many of these struck me at work, or in my down time.
With no further hesitation and even less formality: 36 of my favorite oxymora (already submit to one of my favorite wordplay websites BTW)
open secret
act naturally
found missing
deafening silence
Microsoft Works (oldie but goodie)
Advanced BASIC
virtual reality
pretty ugly
almost exactly
minor crisis
exact estimate
free love
larger half
alone together
liquid gas
seriously funny
military intelligence (hardy har har)
tragic comedy
Definite maybe
same difference
constant variable
extinct life
only choice
working holiday
clearly confused (my personal favorite)
Hell's Angels
civil engineer
living dead
jumbo shrimp
unbiased opinion
original copies
plastic glasses (got to make fun of a customer for this one)
even odds
genuine imitation
freezer burn (stupid freezer at work...I got frostbite on my arm actually!)
rolling sto

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