Monday, August 16, 2010

P is for Procrastination

Procrastination is my middle name. I pushed pause long ago and never let up. Quite frankly I have had enough, I can't put things on hold anymore. My "To Do" list is forever growing in length and it's time I got down to business.

My art is never going to market itself, I need to put together a portfolio and get some business cards and pound pavement. I believe in myself and I know I have it in me to be a successful artist. I have enough sense to know I may never be independently wealthy. Art has never been and will never be about money for me, it is all about the love of creating something of meaning. I cannot complain of having "no free time" to paint and create, I need to make time. One day a week at the very least, a little more time for painting would do me a world of good. Creating art is so good for the soul.

My blog is in need of love and attention as well , I apologize to the tiny handful of people that are reading this and or following my blog. My posts will not be so few and far between in the future. I will get better at this!
I enjoy writing and I am very excited at the notion that someone might enjoy reading what I write.

Lastly my life needs some work too. The career department is severely lacking. I know what I want to do , and where I want to go. It is a case of schooling and money. Money for school is key. I will sort this all out in due time. I suppose the rest of it will come with time and less of that terrible P word, Procrastination.
It is a time for doing the to do's and crossing things off my many lists.


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