Monday, August 16, 2010

PCOS - but not a perfect "Out of the Box" meal

I made a squash dish, complete with mushrooms and tomatoes hmmmm good.  I cook the mushrooms and garlic in clarified butter, then I add the zucchini and yellow squash, at the very end I add the tomato and finish cooking with basil added for extra flavor.  It's a fresh uncomplicated flavor. 

The chicken was grilled on my favorite George Foreman GRP99 Next Generation Grill with Nonstick Removable Plates. I had marinated the chicken in a chipolte seasonings, served on the sandwich thins, with a touch of cheddar cheese.

I had a crystal light sugar fee raspberry lemonade to top it off.

I wish I was a full and complete foodie, but here I am doing what I can to manage my PCOS with good foods.  The chips were not a part of that plan, but they were given to my husband from a client.  So a whipped up some guacamole for dip, and enjoyed a couple.

Here's to dreaming and living the good life!

Now I'm off to finish my sitcom, work out and do the dishes before I dash of to sleep. 


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