Monday, August 16, 2010


On Sunday, I ran across the bridge: ~11 miles. But I stopped to help some dogs find their way home. On Monday, I ran an uninterrupted 12 miles on a particularly hilly route which included the 5 mile drive at Point Defiance Park. That's the farthest I've ever run. Soon I'll be doing more than half a marathon.

It's getting easier as I discover how to let my body do all the work and let my mind focus on perseverance.

I decided to go to Burning Man 2012 and have begun the preparation process. This process includes directed mental, physical, and spiritual growth. As far as physical preparedness, I will be running 4-5 marathons a week by the time the festival rolls around.

I spoke with a Latter Day Saints missionary on campus today. He was friendly, non-judgmental, curious, and informative. I do believe in God, but it's not his God. He asked me if I pray, and I said yes. What I didn't tell him is that to me, running is prayer. My God never stops moving.


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