Monday, August 16, 2010

put me back in the matrix

This month has been strangely depressing. I think I will have to again take a small break from reading social justice blogs, before I start punching everything in range due to articles like this one. On the one hand, it's nice to see what many personal experiences have already said be confirmed. On the other hand, it explicitly lays out some shit so awful I get angry just thinking about it. Some fun quotes:

The exception was when men high in sexism viewed pictures of sexually dressed women. These pictures did not activate the mPFC for sexist males. This suggests that these men's brains did not perceive these women as fully human.

They found that when women were dressed sexually (compared to when they weren't), people implicitly associated them more with animals.

And lastly, research shows that men and women view sexualized images (of both men and women) as lacking "mind," which is basically a denial of thoughts and emotions. In this work, people even had less concern for the sexualized people's pain, compared to when they were fully dressed.

The good news is that even if the rampant misogyny from players of my favorite game gets me down, I now have Plants vs. Zombies to cheer me right up. Holy crap that game is amazing, and the Zen Garden music is soooo incredible

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