Monday, August 16, 2010

Real People, 2010

First-time visitors to Woodstock, Illinois usually get a sense of déjà vu if they ever saw the hilarious Harold Ramis movie, "Groundhog Day" starring Bill Murray and Andie MacDowell.

Woodstock has a charming downtown square with a green park at its center. One of the landmark buildings is the old court house, which is now an art center.

My oil painting "Meg" is included in the exhibition "Real People 2010," on view now through September 26th at the Old Court House Arts Center, 101 N. Johnson St. in Woodstock, IL.

The Artist's reception and awards ceremony on August 28th from 7-9:30 pm will coincide with the Woodstock Jazz Festival.

"Meg" is a painting of the well-known artists' model, Meg Guttman, sitting in a wooden chair, reading. The simplified interior evokes Francis Bacon's claustrophobic settings, as if she is inside a box. No smears or splatters, though, except maybe that wisp of hair.

It's funny, I ran into Meg last Sunday at the Gethsemane art fair where she was showing her own artwork. She said, "Hey, I heard you are exhibiting a painting of me somewhere!" She had heard from a friend that this was up.

Meg also sings with a beautiful soprano voice. My favorite is when she sings the Lakme Flower Duet "Sous le Dome Epais."

She's certainly a real person for the "Real People, 2010" exhibition! If you are up that way, stop in and take a look.


"Real People 2010" Exhibition
August 5 – Sept. 26, 2010
Old Courthouse Arts Center‎, Woodstock, IL‎

The Old Court House Arts Figurative League and the Northwest Area Arts Council present: "Real People 2010" an exhibition of all media depicting the human face and form.

Juried by Gregg Hertzlieb, the director/curator of the Brauer Museum of Art at Valparaiso University in Valparaiso, Indiana, the exhibition was selected from entries by 115 artists from across North America, including Alaska and British Columbia, Canada. Cash prizes totaling more than $500.00 will be awarded.

Opening Reception: Saturday Aug. 28, 7-9:30 pm

The reception coincides with the Woodstock Jazz Festival.

Old Courthouse Arts Center‎
101 North Johnson Street
Woodstock, IL‎
(815) 338-4525‎

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