By Dr. K R Bolton
August 2, 2010
Courtesy Of "The Foreign Policy Journal"
Israel has for several decades presented itself as an “ally”, and one of prime importance, to the “West” and specifically to the USA. This is based on subterfuge. While it has long served the interests of Zionism and of Israel to be presented as the “bulwark of democracy” in the Middle East, surrounded by intolerance and bigotry and theocratic dictatorship, the long arm of Zionism across the world will support or oppose any movement, individual and state depending upon how Zionist interests are served.
When Zionism Was Red
Several decades ago Israel began presenting itself as the “bulwark against communism” in the Middle East and as of vital strategic importune to the USA vis-à-vis the USSR in the region. Israel’s supposed anti-Communism was of recent duration, and thoroughly self-serving.
The roots of modern Zionism go back to Moses Hess, who predated Herzl and mentored Karl Marx. Prof. Shlomo Avineri of the Hebrew University, Jerusalem, states in his biography of Hess:
No other writer has similarly been honored in East Berlin and in Jerusalem just as no other writer has had his manuscripts scattered in such diverse places as the International Institute of Social History in Amsterdam and the Institute for Marxism-Leninism in Moscow as well as the Central Zionist Archives in Jerusalem.[1]
Avineri states that many of Hess’ ideas were incorporated into The Communist Manifesto, with which he was involved in the initial writing.[2] Hess was also deeply involved with the First International and served as Marx’s spokesman when Marx could not attend conferences.[3]
Marxism and Zionism emerged from the same milieu. Sometimes they merged, and sometimes they were rivals for the allegiance of Jewry. Chaim Weizmann, who became first Prime Minster of Israel, described these family splits where communist Jews would argue that Jewish emancipation had to be part of a universal emancipation of labor, while the “Zionist revolutionary group” although agreeing that world revolution was necessary insisted that full emancipation for the Jews would only be gained by a Jewish state. Weizmann related that his mother – expressing
the general feeling of Jews at that time and place – would say: “Whatever happens I shall be well off. If Shemuel [the revolutionary son] is right, we shall all be happy in Russia; and if Chaim [the Zionist] is right, then I shall go to live in Palestine.”[4]
Revolutionary socialism in Eastern Europe was centred on the General Federation of Jewish Workers, the Jewish Bund, a constituent of the Social Democratic movement. This was absorbed into the Bolshevik party, the Ukrainian bundists joining the Bolsheviks in 1919, the Russian bund in 1920, and the Polish in 1939.[5]
The relationship between the socialist revolutionaries and the Zionists is indicated by meetings that took place between Lenin and Chaim Weizmann in the home of the industrialist Daniel Schoni, in Switzerland, recorded by French intelligence agent Jacques Levy. They discussed a “Jewish blueprint for the East” which had been formulated in Austria in 1908 by Jewish socialists and which called for a socialist state in Palestine, “which would serve as a base from which Marxist philosophy could then spread throughout the Middle East.” Weizmann stated to Lenin that the opening of Palestine to Jewish immigration rested on the overthrow of the Russian and Ottoman empires.[6]
Palestine Becomes Center Of Marxism
Palestinians were not, and could not be, well disposed towards Marxism, despite the myth that continues to be perpetuated by Zionists, neo-conservatives, Christian fundamentalists, et al. The religiosity of Islam precludes any possible belief in atheistic creeds such as Marxism, and Islam has its own doctrines drawn from the Koran that encourage social justice alternatives to both Marxism and capitalism, such as that of Nasser’s “Arab socialism” and Qaddafi’s Third Universal Theory.
Marxism in Palestine does not have an Arab or Muslim background. One of the earliest Marxist groups in Palestine was the Socialist Workers Party, established in 1919 as a party of the Poalei Zionists. In 1920 the primary theoretician of the party, Yaakov Meiersohn, left for the USSR, indicating the communistic nature of the movement. The party’s May Day demonstration was held under the slogan “Soviet Palestine.”[7] There was a violent clash between the SWP cadres and the official May Day activists of Histadrut. In 1922 the SWP split into factions representing the historic Jewish quandary since the rise of Zionism and Marxism side-by-side, forming the pro-Zionist Palestine Communist Party and the anti-Zionist Communist Party of Palestine.[8]
The founder of the Egyptian Communist Party in 1922 was Joseph Rosenthal, whose daughter Charlotte, trained in Moscow, acted as a courier between Egypt and Palestine. The delegate of the “Egyptian communists” to the Congress of the Third international was Avigdor Weiss.[9] The Palestine Communist Party was formed in 1923, with Leopold Trepper as party leader. Although the party was obliged to adopt an anti-Zionist position to be accepted into the Comintern, Trepper had been a member of Hashomer Hatzair (Youth Guard), a Zionist socialist organization that had been a pioneer of the kibbutz movement in Palestine.[10] After being the head of a Soviet espionage network (“Red Orchestra”) in Nazi occupied Europe, he spent time in Stalin’s prisons and went to Poland in 1955 where he became head of the Jewish Cultural Society. Trepper returned to Israel in 1974 and although having maintained his revolutionary communist fervor, when he died in Jerusalem in 1982 his funeral was attended by Zionist and Government luminaries, including defense minister Ariel Sharon.[11]
It is interesting to note that the Arab general strike of 1936 divided the Jewish and Arab nationalist factions within the Palestine Communist Party, as the Jewish labour union Histadrut was supporting the displacement of Arab workers by Jews, and the Jewish faction of the Communist Party adopted a position less critical of Zionism in seeking not to alienate itself from the Zionist socialist movement.[12]
Another communist movement founded in Egypt was Iskra, established in 1942 by Hillel Schwartz. Interestingly, the organization did not have an Egyptian Muslim in its leadership until 1947, Shudi Atiya ash-Shafi, an academic who quit within the year.
Dr Eli Tzur, senior lecturer at the Kibbutz Seminary in Tel Aviv, wrote of the Marxist influence in Palestine as a product of Jewish emigration:
The Soviet Union was an international counterpart of Zionist construction and created a feeling of affinity. One can find earlier signs of admiration for the Soviets in Ben-Gurion’s eulogy for Lenin, written in 1923, where he shows Lenin the highest regard by comparing Lenin to himself. Hoping to destroy the British Empire, the Soviets believed the Jews in Palestine were a catalyst in this process and helped their effort for the establishment of the State of Israel.[13]
Reminiscent of the comments by Chaim Weizmann about his youth in Russia where there was a messianic sense engendered by both Zionism and Marxism,[14] Tzur states that the Jewish emigrants from Eastern Europe and Russia considered that they had “two motherlands,” the USSR and Israel. Tzur writes of this nexus:
A few years ago, a cave used by Jewish soldiers was discovered with the slogan, “Palmach-Red Army” written on a wall. The young members of Palmach were indoctrinated to see themselves as part of a fighting camp to which the Vietnamese and the Chinese Communists belonged. When a party of all the Zionist left, Mapam, was established in 1948, it defined itself, “as an integral part of the revolutionary camp led by the Soviet Union.”
“In this coming war, the international Left must accept commands from one center, which is in Moscow.” The scenario envisaged was of the Soviet Army advancing from the north and reaching Israel’s northern border.
Many hoped to greet it there and we have documented cases of young people who joined the northern Kibbutzim in order to be on the spot when the Red Army arrived. Some Mapam leaders feared that with the advance of the Red Army, the Western powers would try to utilize the Haifa harbor as a logistical base. One of them declared in the Knesset that in this case, the workers would paralyze the port facilities. Of course, the war never came.[15]
In the early days of the Israeli State, Haifa was referred to as “Red Haifa,” states Tzur. On holidays Jewish youth would march through the streets flying the red flag, their fists clenched in the revolutionary salute.
The Palmach was not merely a fringe terrorist group; it was, according to Israeli journalist and author Tom Segev, “the Haganah’s[16] crack military force” of 6000 “ideological fanatics.”[17] The Palmach commander Yitzhak Sadeh, had been a founder of the Haganah. Segev confirms what Tzur has stated, “the Palmachniks also identified with the Red Army and admired Joseph Stalin.”[18]
The USSR provided the wherewithal for the Zionist underground, including not only weapons but also training. At the time The New York Herald Tribune ran a report on the “Stern Gang” which identified this extreme Zionist terrorist faction as having communist origins:
…Abraham Stern joined the communists near the end of World War II, but there was no indication that Sternists wanted to make Israel a puppet state of the Soviet Union, when they said they wanted to divorce Israel from its dependence on the West, to pursue an intense Jewish nationalism and to lean more heavily for international support on the Soviet Union. Their propaganda explained it by asserting the similar position of Sternists and communists. Henry A Wallace who visited the Holy Land last Fall became a Sternist hero because of his views towards Russia and because of his position as a dissident.[19]
A previous report also indicated communist involvement at the highest levels of Zionism the creation of the Israeli state:
A Communist dominated national Hebrew front is expected to emerge in Palestine within a few weeks after the British evacuation. Spokesmen for the Jewish Agency reluctantly admit that the Communists have been gaining strength in direct proportion to the terrorism reported by the Haganah and the other Zionist military organizations.
A symptom of the drift towards totalitarianism is the behavior of the Hanganah’s former commander in chief, Moshe Sneh, who recently resigned from the Jewish Agency’s executive committee and joined the pro-communist Hashomer Hatzair, the strongest of the five Hebrew “dissident” groups.[20]
At the time of Israel’s creation Philip Jessup, US Ambassador to the United Nations, reported to US Secretary of State George Marshall that:
It is not apparent that Communism has any substantial following among the Arab masses. On the other hand, there are apparently a substantial number of Communists in the Irgun, the Stern Gang and other dissident Jewish groups. Beyond that, the Soviet Union, through its support of partition and prompt recognition of Israel, must be considered as having a substantial influence with the Provisional Government of Israel. The Communist influence is, of course, capable of substantial expansion through whatever diplomatic and other missions the Soviet Government may establish in Israel.[21]
At the time, the creation of the Israeli State was a Marxist cause celebre. The New York Times reported in 1948 a 10,000 strong demonstration of communists and Leftist labor leaders singing “solidarity forever,” as they marched under the banner of the United Committee to Save the Jewish State and the United Nations, the Times reporting it as a front for the “internationally minded communists” to take up the cause of “an intensely nationalistic cause, the partition of Palestine.” The grand marshal of the parade was Ben Gold, “president of the communist-led International fur and Leather Workers Union.” The march ended as a rally in support of Henry Wallace, Progressive Party candidate for the presidency, who had served as Roosevelt’s Secretary for Agriculture.[22]
By this time the World War II alliance between the USA and USSR had cracked up, the American dreams of a “new world order” via the UN, with the co-operation of the USSR, had been uncivilly scotched by Stalin, and the Cold War era had emerged rather than the era of One World Government.[23] The USSR was pursuing an imperialistic and nationalistic course and the method of gaining a Soviet foothold in the Middle East, where the Arabs were not susceptible to Communism, was through Israel; large numbers of Jewish emigrants, unlike the Arabs, being inclined towards Marxism and still grateful for the Soviet war effort against the Nazis. Stalin and the Soviet leaders thereafter pursued a policy of realpolitik, temporarily backing the creation of Israel as a means of ensuring instability in the Middle East.
The Zionist state wished to opt for a neutralist position during the Cold War era. There was nothing pro-Western or pro-American about the setting up of Israel. Israel is nothing if not pro-Israel, and that is all. Any alliance with the state is purely pragmatic, dialectical and designed for nothing other than short or long term Zionist gain. The New York Times reported at the time: “It is true that Israel cherishes the ideal of remaining ‘neutral’ between the United States and the Soviet Union, constantly referred to as ‘our two powerful friends…’”[24]
Donald Neff writes in a comprehensive article on this subject:
The policy’s name in Hebrew was ee-hizdahut, “non-identification.” Although the Cold War was in full force at the time, Israel hoped to remain friendly with both superpowers because both had assets that Israel needed—money, people and weapons. Israeli Foreign Minister Moshe Sharett said: “Israel will in no case become identified with one of the great blocs of the world as against the other.”[25]
Neff alludes to the lack of Soviet influence in the region prior to Israel, which served as the means of Soviet entry rather than as a bulwark against Communism, as the Zionists and their Christian Fundamentalist and pseudo-conservative apologists had for several decades presented the issue.
Before the Palestine problem grew acute after the end of World War II, the Middle East had been “virtually clean” of Soviet influence, in the words of one British general. But since then it had made some modest gains in Israel because of Moscow’s support of partition, its quick recognition of the Jewish state, its decision to allow Jews to emigrate to Israel and its secret supply to Israel of weapons via Czechoslovakia during the fighting.
Neff continues in regard to the selling of weaponry to the region:
But of more immediate importance were weapons. And it was here that the Soviet Union played a paramount role at this time. Moscow had allowed Czechoslovakia to become Israel’s major arms supplier in 1948. In that capacity, Czechoslovakia had provided Israel with all the Messerschmitts and Spitfires that formed its new air force, as well as other weapons and the training of 5,000 of its military personnel by the fall of 1948. And it remained Israel’s major arms supplier in 1949.
The significance of the Czech connection to Israel rested on the fact that the U.S. had imposed an arms embargo on the area in 1947. Despite unrelenting pressure from Israel’s supporters, the Truman administration continued to observe the embargo in 1949, as did subsequent administrations for more than a decade.
This attempt by the USA to stabilize the region in an effort to minimize Soviet influence was sabotaged by France’s decision to displace the USSR as Israel’s arms supplier, the strategy being to secure Israel as an ally against Arab nationalism. The USSR then stepped in and began to arm Nasser, and in 1955 the Egyptian statesman announced that “Czechoslovakia had agreed to provide Egypt with major weapons systems, including bombers, jet warplanes, tanks and artillery.”[26] This had followed the February Israeli raids against an Egyptian military post in the Gaza Strip, where 36 Egyptian soldiers and two civilians had been killed.
Secretary of State John Foster Dulles commented that “we are in the present jam because the past Administration had always dealt with the area from a political standpoint and had tried to meet the wishes of the Zionists in this country and that had created a basic antagonism with the Arabs. That was what the Russians were now capitalizing on.”[27]
With the change of circumstances vis-a–vis the USSR and Israel, the Zionists and their apologists changed track and presented Israel as the “bulwark of democracy ” in the Middle East. The Soviet backing of the Zionists had always been pragmatic, as Stalin was no friend of Zionism or even particularly of the Jewish people.[28] The eminent British military figure and scholar John Glubb Pasha, who had commanded the Jordanian Legion, wrote in 1967 an exceptionally penetrating analysis of the Middle East situation in regard to Russian strategy. He remarked that none of the Arab countries wished to become Soviet satellites, but with the defeat of Egypt during the Six Day War, they became ever reliant upon the USSR. The West heralded the 1967 war as a defeat for the Soviet Union, which had “backed the losing side.” However, “the British and the Americans have simple minds and accept events unquestioningly at their face value.”[29] It was Glubb Pahsa’s view that it was in Soviet interests that the West become totally committed to Israel and exclude the Arab world, and that the Arabs, with the devastating Egyptian defeat would turn completely to the Soviets as allies. Despite the hard realities of Soviet foreign policy in helping to contrive a situation that would force the Arabs into their arms, this is not to say that the USSR did not have a genuine commitment to opposing Zionism world-wide from the time of Stalin. While the USSR backed the formation of Israel in it embryonic stages, the Soviet bloc’s internal policy was one of unremitting resistance to Zionism.[30] The position of some conspiracy theorists such as someone even as well-placed as King Faisal of Saudi Arabia that the USSR was Jewish controlled and in secret league with the Zionists is not tenable.[31]
While the Soviet bloc was supplying Israel, in Czechoslovakia, which also happened to be the precise source of Soviet weaponry to the Zionists, the “Prague Treason Trial” was purging the party of those accused of Zionism, a treasonous crime per se. The circumstances of the Prague Treason Trial are that in late 1951 Rudolf Slansky, Secretary General of the Communist Party in Czechoslovakia was arrested for “antistate activities.” A year later, he and thirteen co-defendants went on trial as “Trotskyite-Titoist-Zionist traitors.”
They were accused of espionage and economic sabotage, working on behalf of Yugoslavia, Israel and the West. Eleven of the fourteen were sentenced to death, the other three to life imprisonment. Slansky and the eleven others were hanged on December 3, 1952. Of the fourteen defendants, eleven were Jews, and were identified as such in the indictment. Many other Jews were mentioned as co-conspirators, implicated in a cabal that included the US Supreme Court Justice Frankfurter, described as a “Jewish nationalist”, and Mosha Pijade the “Titoist Jewish ideologist” in Yugoslavia. The conspiracy against the Czechoslovak state had been hatched at a secret meeting in Washington in 1947, between President Truman, Secretary Acheson, former Treasury Secretary Morgenthau, and the Israelis Ben Gurion and Moshe Sharett. In the indictment, Slansky was described as “by his very nature a Zionist”, who had, in exchange for American support for Israel, agreed to place “Zionists in important sectors of Government, economy, and Party apparatus”. The plan included the assassination of President Gottwald by a “freemason” doctor.[32] These are not the actions and accusations of a system that is in secret league with in the Zionists.
Did the rearrangement of alliances in the Middle East mean that there was a consequent change of strategy and perspective by Israel, in pursuing a pro-Western, anti-communist agenda?
To the contrary, Israel became, and remains, a center of global subversion on a scale reminiscent of the image the conservatives presented for the USSR as the center of world communist subversion. While Soviet anti-Zionist propaganda was still somewhat encumbered by Leninist perceptions, or at least found it still convenient as a method of propaganda, in portraying Israel as a bulwark of Western imperialism, Israel had its own agenda of world-wide dimensions, seeking to fill the void created by European colonial scuttle after World War II. An early example was the training given to Waruhiu Itote (aka “Gen. China”), second in command of the Mau Mau insurgency against the British in Kenya. The General went to Israel in 1962 along with other East Africans:
On the night of 13th November 1962 he left for Israel for further military training. The trip was not made public to avoid bringing it to the attention of the colonial authorities who would not have permitted it to go ahead. He left with Mzee Kenyatta’s blessings. His studies covered a wide range of military principles and practices. On 26th July 1963 he, together with other participants from East Africa, graduated as an Officer. After his graduation, he remained in Israel until 26th November 1963 when he returned to Nairobi under heavy security. During his stay in Israel, the British government came to learn of his training and had expressed its displeasure at this development…. Shortly after independence, the government arranged for General China and other Kenyans who had been trained in Israel to be absorbed into the new Kenya Army as Officer Trainees. [33]
From the mid-1950s Israel began an earnest initiative to influence Black Africa, where in most of the countries there were “Israelis aiding the military and civil systems,” according to Israel Lior, military secretary to Prime Minister Eshkol.[34] In Uganda, Israel began cultivating Idi Amin when he was assistant chief of staff under Pres. Obote. Baruch Bar Lev, head of the Israeli military delegation, explained to Lior that Amin, despite his oddities, was “our man,” or “he would be.”[35] In Zaire, Pres. Mobutu had a close friend in Mossad agent Meir Meyouhas, who had been part of the “Lavon Affair,” the Israeli attempt to bombs British and US installations in Egypt and blame the Egyptians.[36] In 1971 the British MI-6 and the Israelis encouraged Amin to overthrow Obote, with advice from Israeli attaché Baruch Bar Lev.[37]
Israel’s subversive role in the Mediterranean region is indicated by the Israeli backing of the Red Brigades in Italy which were causing havoc during the 1970s. The strategy was to destabilize Italy to increase US dependence on Israel as the only “stable” state in the region. In 1982 Red Brigade leader Prof. Senzani and others were arrested for planning to massacre the leadership of the Christian Democratic Party at the party’s council meeting. Magistrate Ferdinando Imposimato, who had headed the investigating into the 1978 kidnapping and murder of Prime Minister Aldo Moro by the Red Brigades, was reported by Il Giorno as stating:
…At least until 1978 Israeli secret services had infiltrated the Italian subversive groups. He said that based on confessions by jailed guerrillas who turned police informer, there had been an Israeli plan to destabilize Italy. The plan aimed at reducing Italy to a country convulsed by civil war so that the United States would be forced to count on Israel for the security of the Mediterranean, the judge said.[38]
This is not to say that Zionism is “Red” per se; Zionism is whatever complexion serves Zionism. The attempted alliances with Fascism is better known than the relationship with Communism, including the effort of the Stern Gang to establish a military alliance with Nazi Germany,[39] before settling on a pro-Soviet orientation. The wartime Nazi rebuff did not dissuade Zionists from lending support to neo-Nazis in more recent years, however, the Canadian Nazi Party of the 1960s being an example of a project that was to a significant extent the creation of the Canadian Jewish Congress.[40]
Israel’s long connection with street gangsters[41] also provides a good background for dealings with gangsters who can capture entire states, Gen. Manuel Noriega of Panama being particularly close to Israel.
Noriega’s chief adviser was Michael Harari, who had been funded with $20,000,000 by Israel according to an ABC News report. Narcotics were sent under the name of “Dr Harari”, marked vaccine. He is referred to by ex-Mossad agent Victor Ostrobvosky as second only to Noriega in Panama.[42] Initial reports that Harari had been caught when the US invaded Panama in 1989 were apparently incorrect, or something was amiss shortly thereafter, as Harari was able to escape back to Israel. Noriega had been trained in Israel, owned a villa in Tel Aviv and sent his children to a kibbutz.
Israel’s associations with arms and narcotics marketing in the Americas is extensive and involves the infamous Colombian drug cartels and more, just as Israel itself is a major source of narcotics[43] for worldwide distribution while attention is focused on Afghanistan.
Israel has presented itself before the world as a “bulwark of democracy’ in the Middle East, first during the Cold War –after relations with the USSR soured, and now in the battle against “Islamofascism,” a term coined by the neo-trotskyite-neo-cons. An alternative view is that the state is a center of pestilence from which emanates a world-wide subversive network, based around an ideology that has sought alliances with communists, nazis and fascists, and with narco-peddlers and street gangsters such as Meyer Lansky and Bugsy Siegel; whose luminaries saw no evil in dragooning the USA into World War I to secure the Balfour Declaration[44], thereby extending hostilities, where previously Zionist efforts to secure Palestine had centered round a pro-German policy. The perfidy represented by the Balfour Declaration brought an end to the goodwill of the Arab people towards Britain and the West generally that had been heroically cultivated by T E Lawrence; abruptly ended, moreover, by back room deals among corrupt statesmen, and neo-messianists. That is the legacy from which the “West” has not only not recovered, but is further removed than ever from doing so.
[1] Shlomo Avineri,
Moses Hess: Prophet of Communism and Zionism (New York: New York University Press, 1985), 246.[2] Ibid., 140
[3] Ibid., 244.
[4] Chaim Weizaman,
Trial and Error, (New York: Harper and Brothers, 1949), 39.
[5] George W Robnett,
Conquest Through Immigration: How Zionism turned Palestine into a Jewish State (Pasadena, Ca.: Institute for Special Research, 1968), 98.
[6] Quoted from the December 1967 issue of
Atlas Magazine by Issa Nakhleh of the Arab Higher Committee for Palestine, Palestine Arab Delegation,
Common Sense, No. 560, May 15, 1970.
[7] Leslie Stein,
The Hope Fulfilled: The Rise of Modern Israel, (Westport, Conn.: Praeger, 2003), 154.
[8] Fed Halliday, “Early Communism in Palestine,”
Journal of Palestine Studies, Vol. 7, No. 2 (Winter, 1978), 162–169
[9] Nesta H Webster,
World Revolution (Devon: Britons Ltd., 1971), 345. Additional chapter by Anthony Gittens.
[10] Hashomer Hatzair, although supporting a bi-national state in Palestine with equality between Palestinians and Jews, was nonetheless a significant factor in the creation of the Zionist entity, providing support for the Haganah and the Palmach military forces. The organization became affiliated with the International Revolutionary Marxist Centre that rejected both the social democratic Second International and the Stalinist Third International and was associated with Trotskyism.
[11] Leopold Trepper, < >
Despite the general uselessness of Wikipedia as a reliable source, the information on Trepper is presumed to be accurate in this instance as the US site of Hashomer Hatzair directly links to the wiki entry.
[12] Yossi Schwartz, “Arab-Jewish workers’ joint struggles prior to the partition of Palestine – Part II,”
In Defence of Marxism, June 16, 2003, International Marxist Tendency,
[13] Eli Tzur,
A Quarterly Jewish Review, New York, the Theodor Herzl Foundation, October 1996.
[14] Chaim Weizmann, op.cit.
[15] Eli Tzur, op.cit.
[16] Haganah, the “official” Zionist military force.
[17] Tom Segev,
One Palestine, Complete: Jews and Arabs under the British mandate (London: Abacus, 2000), 452.
[18] Ibid., 454.
[19] F Turner, “Group Portrait of the Stern Gang,”
New York Herald Tribune, October 2, 1948.
Newark New Jersey Star-Ledger, dispatch from Jerusalem, February 25, 1948.
FRUS 1948, “The Acting United States Representative at the United Nations (Jessup) to the Secretary of State,” Top Secret, Priority, New York, July 1, 1948, 4:16 p.m., p. 1182. The report is cited by Donald Neff, “Israel seeks ‘neutrality’ between US and Soviet Union,”
Washington Report on Middle East Affairs [22] Alexander Feinberg, “10,000 in protest on Palestine here,”
New York Times, March 12, 1948, 8.
[23] K R Bolton, “Origins of the Cold War,”
Foreign Policy Journal, June 1, 2010
[24] Anne O’Hare McCormack,
New York Times, January 14, 1949. Cited by Donald Neff,
Washington Report on the Middle East, op.cit.
[25] Donald Neff, op.cit.
[26] Ibid.
FRUS 1955-1957, “Memorandum of Conversation with the Secretary of State,” Washington, Oct. 18, 1955, p. 612. Neff, ibid.
[28] Paul Lendvai,
Anti-Semitism in Eastern Europe (London: MacDonald and Co., 1971). Arkady Vaksberg,
Stalin Against the Jews (New York: Alfred A Knopf, 1994).
[29] Glubb Pasha,
The Middle East Crisis: A Personal Interpretation (London: Hodder and Stoughton, 1968), 12.
[30] Paul Lendvai, Arkday Vaksberg, op.cit.
[31] King Faisal, “A Grand Conspiracy,”
Newsweek, December 21, 1970.
[32] Paul Lendvai, op.cit., 243-245.
[33] “Waruhiu Itote aka ‘General China,’”
Africa Tribute, 2002
[34] Andrew and Leslie Cockburn,
Dangerous Liaison: The Inside Story of the US-Israeli Covert Relationship (New York: Harper Collins, 1991), 11.
[35] Ibid.
[36] Ibid., 112.
[37] Ibid., 114.
[38] “Arrest wrecked Brigades’ plan for massacre,” NZPA-Reuter, Wellington, New Zealand,
The Evening Post, January 18, 1982.
[39] Lenni Brenner, Zionism in the age of the Dictators (London: Croom Helm, 1983) 267-268.
[40] Of the ten or so members of the Canadian Nazi Party, at leats four were working for the Canadian Jewish congress. The Nazi HQ was acquired with the assistance of the CJC and the location chosen to ensure maximum provocation, the nominal dow payment being made by CJC agent Henrick Van Der Windt. His cover was blown by
The Toronto Telegram (June 25, 1965). K R Bolton,
Anti-Semitism: Cui Bono? A Report on the Symbiosis Between Anti-Semitism and Zionism (Paraparaumu Beach, New Zealand, 2006), 30-32.
[41] For example in 1945 a meeting took place between Bugsy Siegel and Reuven Dafne, an emissary for the Haganah, after which Siegel supplied $50,000 cash. Jewish Virtual Library, “Jewish Gangsters.” In 1948 the Meyer Lansky mob, of which Siegel was a part, was involved in securing arms for Israel. Dennis Eisenberg, Uri Dan and Eli Landau,
Meyer Lansky (New York: Paddington Press, 1979), 295-296.
In 1985 Moe Dalitz, head of the Mayfield Road Gang, received the Anti-Defamation League’s “Torch of Freedom Award” for his large donations to Israel. K R Bolton,
The Kosher Connection: Drugs, Israel, Gangsters and Zionism (Paraparaumu Beach, New Zealand, 2002).
[42] Victor Ostrobvsky and Claire Hoy,
By Way of Deception (New York: Saint Martin’s Press, 1990), 108.
[43] Meir Doron, “The Dark Side of Israeli L.A.,”
Jewish Journal of Greater Los Angeles, August 2, 2002.
[44] Samuel Landman,
Great Britain, the Jews and Palestine (London: New Zionist Organisation, 1936). Landman was Hon. Secretary of the Joint Zionist Council of the United Kingdom 1912, Joint Editor of the
Zionist 1913-14 and 1917 – 1922 Solicitor and Secretary to the Zionist Organisation, and at the time of writing the pamphlet Legal Adviser to the New Zionist Organisation. The pamphlet can be read online at:
K R Bolton is a Fellow of the Academy of Social and Political Research, and an assistant editor of the peer reviewed journal Ab Aeterno. Recent publications include 'Trotskyism and the Anti-Family Agenda,' CKR website, Sociology Dept., Moscow State University (October 2009); 'Rivalry over water resources as a potential cause of conflict in Asia,' Journal of Social Political and Economic Studies, and Russia and China: an approaching conflict?, Vol. 35, No. 1, Spring 2010; Vol. 34, no. 2, Summer 2009. Read more articles by Dr. K R Bolton.
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