Monday, August 16, 2010

A Review of the Korg MIDI Bundle

Korg solves the music-making problems of on-the-go musicians with the new Korg MIDI Bundle!

The new nanoSeries devices of Korg are particularly designed to meet the needs of artists who are always on the move making music anywhere, anytime, without compromising the control department. The bundle is composed of the nanoKEY, the nanoPAD, and the nanoKONTROL; all three will allow anyone to make music, anytime, anywhere.

The nanoKEY is a 25-note, velocity-sensitive model that is built to be tough. Aside from being very handy in recording chords and melodies, the nanoKEY can also be used to send MIDI data, further expanding its power. It boasts of an Octave Shift feature, giving you instant access to the entire MIDI note range. It also has pitch and modulation buttons, so every performance will have that natural controller expression, despite its size.

You might be surprised to see the nanoKEY in a very small size. Its small size allows you to put it in front of your laptop, your recording station, or wherever you need a versatile control over your virtual instrument or software. But even when it is small, the nanoKEY is not short on useful features when it comes to functionality, and it is very easy to operate as well.

The nanoPAD, on the other hand, has 12 highly-sensitive trigger pads complete with and X/Y pad, which makes it great for laptop DJs as well as for drum programming its roll and flam functions give a unique interface that projects realistic drum programming. It is USB powered and is capable of sending both notes and MIDI control data at the same time.

The nanoPAD also has a Chord Trigger that lets you enter chords into a single pad, making most of the dirty work as you create. You can transmit control change messages with the pad as well, making it a great interface both for soloing or multi tracks. You can turn objects on and off, or trigger clips during your live performances.

Finally, Korg finishes the deal with nanoKONTROL. It has 9 faders, 9 knobs,18 switches, and a full transport section giving you full control. That is why the nanoKONTROL is a great DAW and plug-in control; and with its input mode, laying down your next groove will not be a headache.

The nanoKONTROL has 4 programmable scenes, and each of them lets you set the controller the way you want it. That means you can send 168 different MIDI Control Change messages and MIDI notes using these switches. It has 6 transport buttons, and each can either send MIDI Control Change messages or MMC messages to control functions such as start, stop, loop, or record.

With the new Korg MIDI bundle, you can now have full control over the quality of music that you make. And the best part is, you get all three at the price of one. So what are you waiting for? Get the Korg MIDI Bundle, today!

Read more about the Korg MIDI Bundle or check out other Midi Controllers

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