Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Reviews #35 dir 615 d link type the characters you see in the picture below

August 27, 2010, From Chicago, IL Review by Adam

dir 615 d link type the characters you see in the picture below

I use Windows 7 and have my laptop wirelessly hooked up to the router and cable modem. Every half an hour my wireless connection gets lost, I can troubleshoot it using Windows Diagnostics but it is just incredibly annoying to the point where I am considering throwing this piece of junk out. I tried customer support via phone which is time-consuming and did not get me anywhere. I deeply regret purchasing this product and will NEVER buy anything D-Link!!! In fact, my connection was just lost while writing this review, this is a joke. $50 wasted, lots of frustration, just hope the next router will be better. Click!! To See our Offer and Price for "dir 615 d link type the characters you see in the picture below reviews" << Read more...


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