Monday, August 16, 2010

Several items....

See Beth Bernabei's Photos - Country Thunder 2010 Twin Lakes, WI, at the following link:!/photo.php?pid=30861200&id=1220438512&ref=fbx_album&fbid=1343311462427

Check out the new additions to the pictures at KC & MW''s Facebook page if you haven't lately, at the following link:!/kevincostnerandmodernwest?v=photos&ref=ts

Excerpt from the blog of TBDbyTBA: In the end, it was all worth it, as I shared the flight with Kevin Costner, although apparently nobody else recognized him, including the lady I pointed him out to while awaiting our baggage in Halifax. (Yes, it was actually him. His band was playing in a Country Rock fest that weekend) So there ya go. Sometimes life throws curve-balls at ya, but in the end, Kevin Costner still has to sit on the same plane as you do. He does get his baggage first though. At the following link:

Posted by Gary: Lunenburg is a quaint, old fishing village about an hour south of Halifax, Nova Scotia. In addition to being a colonial town, it was also where Norwegian Sailors trained in WWII to take back Norway. From what I was told on Twitter, I just missed Kevin Costner by a few days. See the picture of Lunenburg at the link:

Posted by alyssanoel: Last year, as I have written approximately 4 million times in the last month, a massive plow wind hit the festival suddenly and knocked down the main stage. I had just been sent back from the festival to the office to work a night cop shift when it happened. It was mass chaos. We thought our photog was missing in the rubble. We thought dozens were dead, Kevin Costner and his band who were set to play next, possibly among them, and many more injured. At the following link:

*Mikaeltheangel tweeted: Halvorsen Røysland, next tuesday - in Stavanger -shall have a meeting with Kevin Costner ! You know the movie-star ! From the movie
*fanofcountrym @DomTweebs tweeted: I would just have 2 watch that over & over. @reba & Kevin Costner? Perfection. They should duet even if they dont do a movie!
*krishna_kumar_v If I were Jennifer Aniston in Rumor Has It, I would have lived my life happily ever after with Kevin Costner. #movies #fail #fantasy

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