Monday, August 16, 2010

Short people and a jumping monkey!

I am short, always have been short and from what I hear will get shorter as I age:)  I can't reach the top shelf in the closet without a stool!  I can't reach up high in the cabinet!  I have to wear petite clothes because everything is too long otherwise!  I always have to stand in the front in pictures!  I don't really hate being short but sometimes it would be nice to be just a wee bit taller!  Why am I telling you this?  Because my new vehicle was like climbing up in a truck!  It didn't come with steprails and I had to add them just like I did my last vehicle.  When I went to Church on Sunday and had to hike up in there with my dress on, I knew the steprail was a MUST for me! So at 8AM Monday morning I sat in the waiting room at the dealership while they added me some steprails!  It was a quiet time, I took some craft books and magazines and read the newspaper!  I enjoyed my morning!

In the afternoon, my Sister Cindy brought me a "jumping monkey"!  Well she wasn't jumping in these pictures but trust me all of those pictures were a blur!

She brought me Avery until her Mother got home from work.  She was wired and jumping all over the place.  I asked her if she had eaten a bunch of chocolate and she said "sure":)  We worked on the alphabet and she wanted me to read! 

We had a bunch of fun and giggled a lot!  I told her that it wouldn't be long until she would be going to Ms. Pauline's class!  She said, "I know, everyone is telling me that and I don't want to hear it anymore":)  I said well OK!

That's all for me!  Pa and I took a ride and picked Autumn up after Softball practice and back home for dinner and a few hundred ballgames on TV:)

Enjoy your day my friends!  I hope my Iphone works better for me today!  It would not let me open email... ugh!

HUGS and Happy Tuesday!
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