Monday, August 16, 2010

Swedish Pirates host Wikileaks

Swedish Pirates host Wikileaks
Wed Aug 18, 2010 2:33AM

Julian Assange's site Wikileaks will be getting more attention as the Swedish Pirate Party will provide bandwidth and hosting to Wikileaks free of charge as part of its political mission.

The Swedish Pirate Party is a political party from Sweden founded in 2006. The party strives to reform laws regarding copyright and patents. The SPP's agenda also includes support for a strengthening the right to privacy, both on the Internet and in everyday life, and the transparency of state administration.

The Party stated the agreement was reached at a meeting in Stockholm over the weekend with Assange, reported AFP.

"We welcome the help provided by the Pirate Party," Assange was quoted as saying in the statement. "Our organizations share many values and I am looking forward to future ways we can help each other improve the world."

Wikileaks declassified 76,000 US documents about the war in Afghanistan. Assange has promised to release another 15,000 that are said to be even more sensitive.


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