Monday, August 16, 2010

Today in San Diego...

The first stop was at one of my very favorite Quilt Shops! The Country Loft!

It is in La Mesa...they carry a lot of homespun and  primitive types of fabrics. 

They also have needle craft supplies..and some fun antiques..


Then, to Subway for sandwiches, and for me, Starbucks, for a Cinnamon Dolce Latte..


Then we went to the Science Center in Balboa Park..


After that it was on to the San Diego Air & Space Museum!

Where we met Orville Wright, of the Wright Bros, and saw the Spirit of St. Louis!

Checked out the red Barron..

We were in awe of the Apollo 11

Yep! its the real one, the bottom is burnt from reentry...


They even took a flight in the Blue Angel simulator...

Gramm was able to enjoy the flight from the outside...


Dinner at Old Town Guadalajara's..



The membership renewals!..Back to Balboa Park to the ZOO!

Now when we go back down we won't have to stand in line to get in!

Of course, since we were there a ride on Skyfari was a must ...

before our drive home!

...we can't believe that the summer has past so fast!

Just like this nice day!


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