Tuesday, December 28, 2010

New Year's Eve in Brussels and Paris


New Year's Eve

Like every year at the same time, we are pleased to anounce the release of MetrO databases for the special New Year's Eve services in Paris (France) and Brussels (Belgium).
Comme chaque année à la même époque, nous avons le plaisir d'annoncer la publication de bases de données MétrO pour les services spéciaux du réveillon à Paris et Bruxelles.

Paris: a selection of subway and railway lines will operate after the end of the regular service as well as the "Noctilien" night bus lines (with some changes). All transportation will be free from 5PM on 12/31 to noon on 01/01.

Download the "Paris Nuit Festive" file / Téléchargez le fichier "Paris Nuit Festive" here/ici.

Brussels: the subway, a few trams and most of the "Noctis" night buses will run during the night from 12/31 01/01. All transportation will be free during this time.

Download the "Bruxelles Réveillon" file / Téléchargez le fichier "Bruxelles Réveillon" here/ici.

The files will also appear in the city list in your MetrO app for iPhone and BlackBerry.

Besides, these services are available on i-MetrO for the WEB, WAP and i-Mode.

These databases have been built in a rush and may contain errors despite my efforts to make them as accurate as possible. I apologize in advance for any inconvenience you may experience.

Source: http://metromobile.blogspot.com/2010/12/new-years-eve-in-brussels-and-paris.html

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