Sunday, September 25, 2011

Secrets leak WP, Microsoft Fire Employees


WASHINGTON - Microsoft fired an employee for leaking secret Windows Phone Nokia mobile phone via Twitter.

As quoted from the Information Age, Monday (09/26/2011), Microsoft fired employees for having ngetweet on Windows Phone Nokia mobile phone that has not been launched.

Joe Marini, Program Manager on the Windows team Phone, ngetweet about impresinya on Windows Phone Nokia mobile phone that has not been released.

"I just got a chance to try the phone # Nokia is the smoothest I've ever seen. As soon as possible you will also be able to try it!" Marini writes via his Twitter account.

state employees

"Overall I give the value of 8. Grip that fits, good camera, the user interface is responsive and a good touch on the construction design," he added.

Geekwire, who first published the story, reported that Marini out after leaking information to social media.

"We are routinely told that Microsoft is not concerned about personal problems, but I can confirm that Joe Marini no longer work at Microsoft," said one Microsoft spokesman, said in a statement.

Nokia previously said that their smart phones based on Windows will be launched later this year.

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