Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Introducing KeyStone Entertainment

It's been one heck of a week. With corporate gigs this week plus the launch of the NZ side of KeyStone Entertainment it's all been go. In between I still rehearse my act and continue to write - and get to the gym each day (well almost each day!)When...
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Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Dreams on Ice Thoughts

Daisuke Takahashi - Amelie Movie ScoreObviously, this was the big program from the exhibition and I have received several Formspring questions asking me to share my thoughts. So what do I think? I definitely like it, and he was able to relax much more in this performance and skate with a lightness rather than the tension he usually holds throughout...
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Happy 100!

As you can see, my rage for lace continues.Since my last post, I miraculously hit 100 followers in record time (thank you to all of you! and special shout-out to lucky #100 Caroline, who just started a new blog) and I actually had a sorta-successful...
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Aikido, My Philosophy

Sensei Picciola said in several occasions that aikido was a philosophy of life and used the allegoric example of the ukemi to make this point: living is like practicing ukemis: you fall and raise, you fall and raise, you fall and raise… with time and...
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The Politics of Death: Throwing Mumia Abu-Jamal Under the Bus

Published on This Can't Be Happening ( Politics of Death: Throwing Mumia Abu-Jamal Under the BusBy Dave Lindorff"I would unite with anybody to do right and with nobody to do wrong."--Frederick DouglassOn the evening of March 4, participants at the Fourth UN World Congress Against the Death Penalty in Geneva, Switzerland...
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Sunday, June 27, 2010

Ern's Monthly Visual Victuals (May 2010)

*映画に関するネタ日本語は書き込みませんWow, only two days left in June and I finally got around to writing about the films I watched in May. I also watched quite a few flicks this month as well so I should get started on writing those as well. However, I think a lot of...
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Saturday, June 26, 2010

progress in JUNE

i have been having a cough for the month of June and modeling progress has been unproductive:( nevertheless, i have done up the getter robot who need a final touch up before completion and completed the astroboy. I just need some time to take a photoshot...
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Thursday, June 24, 2010

[USS Charon] SD241006.25 || NPC Log "Snakes and snacks" || Ens M'Riarr, SPC Shenn, Lucia&Marcello

[USS Charon, Shuttle Bay]   "Has she lost her mind now?" "Mrow?" "The Vulcan. Has she gone space happy?" "Is no happy, signore azzuro. Is logical." "Don't you start with me Marcello."   Lucia ignored both the Andorian's wildly swinging antennae and the smirk on her beloved's face to nudge 200 and some pounds of confused fur...
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