Wednesday, June 9, 2010

lifting- the art and price of said lifting

When a someone heard we were going on a road trip to somewhere, we were asked if we could haul a box of magazines to a someone else. This someone else is a relative which means I have designated lifting rights. (DLR) Say for instance I happen to notice a 1908 pamphlet on top of the magazines. And say I was in need of good advice for a week or two -- I could enact my DLR, keep the 1908 pamphlet for a bit and all the relatives would, should they hear of this lifting, these relatives would nod their head in that of-course-of-course affirmation. 

A stout man with a heavy hammer can in a short space of time shatter some boulders.

The use of ardent spirits as a beverage in the hayfield has gone out of fashion

to the benefit of all concerned.

The pamphlet is one hundred and two years old. Some of the words are not so easy to read. Some sentences are blurred. When we lift something, we learn about as-is stipulations and consequences. I remembered this only after reading page 55 a few times:

To fill the cracks in walls, etc., use vinegar instead of water . . .

When the pretty bunches of sweet-scented grass begin to lose their fragrance, plunge them into boiling water. . .

Do not make the mistake of crowding the house . . .have a pair of men . . .soap well . . .

Those who take me improve . . .

Never keep a person that has fainted . . .

Some days I could live with Tuesday's medium tides. Other days I admit to wanting some of the big ones -- the tides that race beneath my skin.

Some days I don't want sound advice. I know it is wise to pick off the loose stones from the mowing fields before the grass gets started, but there is a part of me which enjoys remembering that a stout man might come along and shatter any bothersome stones.

I could be the sort with rocks in her back yard.

I was starting to forget the point to this post. My apologies.

The point: when we enact our DLR, we get what we get. Next road trip I will return No. 116 to a someone who has yet to realize I lifted from last week's delivery. Which is more than okay in our family. What I hope though is he has issue No. 117.

Issue No. 116 has this riddle on page 52:

Those who take me improve, be their task what it may,

Those who have me are sorrowful through the long day,

I am hated alike by the foolish and wise,

Yet without me none ever to eminence rise.

I found the answers to the puzzles and riddles on page 51. But if you are already familiar with The Farmers Almanac, then you already know what I didn't: the 1908 edition has the answers to the 1907 edition.  


We get what we get when we activate our DLR. This is one of those times when I admit to belatedly remembering this. Unless a someone has an answer to this riddle or Issue No. 117, I'm undermined and buried,  out of reach of the plough.


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