Wednesday, June 9, 2010

So Some F*cker Stole My Blog Content #6


Hello humans. Again thanks to the diligent work of you blog readers I was made aware of another case of plagiarism. This time around its a 14 year old kid from Kedah. I am in a very forgiving mode so I won’t reveal the name of this chap. Plus I let this one slide due to his age. Young bloggers get at least on free pass from me. Today I am going to teach you how to PLAGIARISE like a pro. With these simple steps you can make your copy pasting almost undetectable. Follow this tip and you can plagiarise withe ease all until 2012.


Always rename the pictures you stolen. Don’t simple save it with the same name as the original. Then don’t forget to change its dimensions and file size in Photoshop. Also NEVER use Blogger’s built in “add image from the web” uploading tool. What most noobs don’t know, if you use this feature Blogger will only relink the picture from the site you stole from instead of storing it into your private PICASA account. So now sudah kantol. Size sama.... nama sama... dan URL pun sama. Kantol dah 3 benda dekat situ.


Tolong la rewrite balik supaya tak kantol sangat engkau pau kerja orang. Cek out the order of the bike models in the picture below. Kalau nak sorok peniruan, harus bijik dalam jumbling the order of the word. Dalam kes ini cuba susun Suzuki sebagai motor terakhir dan Honda sebagai motor pertama. Oh dan spacing ayat juga silalah betulkan. Korang mesti perasan yang aku selalu sangat typo, punctuation errors dan banyak missing words kan? Turn out these common “Obefiend Errors” are unique to me as my fingerprints.

Tengok balik gambar kat atas. Lihat kesilapan meletakkan COMMA pada akhir perkataan MAJESTY. Bila orang copy pasta selalunya dia tak proof read selepas paste. Akibatnya the same mistaken was REPRODUCED on the stolen article. Sebelum ni aku emosi dengan masalah kronik punctuation tunggang langgang. Nampaknya skang kesilapan punctuation pula yang mengantolkan si pencurik! How bloody ironic! Does this mean I have to insert typos just intentionally for future content stealing detection ability?


Tadi aku dah emphasise kepada kepentingan menulis balik benda yang dicurik supaya typo yang disengajakan (yeah right Obefiend.. your typo is not sengaja! You just can’t bloody spell) oleh tuan punya blog asal tidak dicopy sekali. Skang aku bagi satu lagi tip. Jangan gunakan joke atau punchline yang sama seperti karya asal. Dalam kes terbaru ini, si pencurik ambik punchline Modenas dan Saga First Gen aku secara verbatim. Now one similarity might be attributed to luck. Tapi kalau 2 similarities occurring in the same paragraph that is just plain pasta-ing!

Keberangkalian untuk engkau dan aku gunakan the same Proton Saga and Modenas joke on the same day, with same topic and in the same style is just astronomical. Keberangkalian untuk aku bersetubuh dengan Lisa Surihani adalah lebih tinggi dari keberangkalian yang entry engkau tidak diciplak dari entri aku. AHHAHAHA!

Last but not least


Bulan lepas Amirul Naim kantol pasal dia follow blog FOA secara terang-terangan. Bila open Blogger Profile dia, boleh nampak FOA paling atas dalam list blog yang dia follow. Dalam kes terbaru, si pencurik sekali lagi kantol pasal dia follow Blogserius secara terang-terangan. Kids.. let me tell ya. Kalau nak curik jangan la guna akaun primary untuk follow blog yang diciplak. Create je blogger account baru. Lepas tu follow blog yang bakal diciplak dengan penuh ketenangan. Kalau kantol curik lepas tu bagi alasan macam kat bawah ni. Nak rasa kena Sodom tanpa pelincir ke?


Plagiat itu normal. Lebih-lebuih lagi dizaman komputer sekarang. Tekan Ctrl+C dan CTRL+V dah dapat curik hasil kerja orang. Semua orang mesti pernah at least copy pasta sebanyak 10 kali dalam hidup dia. Jangan tipulah mengaku hati kamu kudus macam Son Goku tak pernah tiru kerja orang. Nanti aku panggil Nenek Tilik meletup badan korang yang budget suci! LOL!

Skill plagiat ada banyak and must be used skilfully in order to cover the tell tale sign. If you follow my quick guide you can start plagiarising without the risk of getting caught. Yes I am not teaching you how to cheat. But remember kids plagiarising like a pro in college will make writing dissertation easier in your final year.

Now go and use these new found tips to steal more of my contents! Fuckers!

p/s : We're paratroopers, Lieutenant. We're supposed to be surrounded.


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