Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Wrapping up the riddles

I'm guessing most of my readers know most of this, but just in case, time to tie-up all the loose ends from the past month or two of posting. First, the Twilight saga ala me: I started reading the books the day I went in for a 3hr glucose screen for gestational diabetes, which it turned out I had. Hence all the vampire/blood related stuff later as I dealt with the daily duties of carb counting and glucose monitoring. By the time I got to Bella's pregnancy in the last Twilight book, I began to feel like, in my own mundane way, I had a lot in common with her, especially after I developed a backed-up liver that motivated all the itching posts. Now that the baby is born, I am done being sneaky about her coming, although I do admit to feeling a bit smug about being able to make her arrival more of a surprise to the virtual world. The secrecy was motivated by a couple of things, such as that it hasn't been too long since our previous baby and that I was also working on a rather different sort of baby, i.e. the infamous thesis. After all, who would be crazy enough to do grad school and be pregnant all at once with a small baby already on hand? :) Never mind that grad school started with a baby on board in the first place . . . Anyway, that's all done now, so now I can sit back and wait for my diploma, smug in the knowledge that I had not just three, but four kids born before officially getting my degree. :)


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