Monday, August 16, 2010

Ariel's Seniors

A few weeks ago I took my sister-in-law Ariel out for her senior pictures. I figured I better offer them a free shoot if they wanted it for all the babysitting they do. Ariel (and her mom and dad) deserve to have free senior photos and as many of them as they want.

Ariel was a lot of fun to work with. She's naturally cute and was willing to try anything I asked. It was a really dark, gray, gloomy day but we made it work. And actually I think I will take her out again some time... just to try out some new places. She'll have plenty of nice pictures when we are done.

She'll be starting up her senior year soon and it seems kind of crazy because she was still a little kid when I met her. She was ten I think when I married Mike and I met her a few years before that. Crazy. She's all grown up... and she has a blog. :) You can read some of her deep thoughts and book reviews (not just kid books either!) at Everything's Just Ducky. If I had a teen I would want her to be friends with Ariel because Ariel is wise and grounded and would be a great influence.

So here's some of the pictures we got... My town isn't very pretty. Our parks are ugly and we don't have beautiful lakes or beaches. I'm still searching for the gems around here but until then I often just go downtown and use all the churches. They have fun stones and doors.





 I had seen these arches at a church downtown and had been wanting to try them out.









 This next one is my favorite I think.


And this one was for fun... but I LOVE it!


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