Monday, August 16, 2010

August 17, Bushwalla

Our first stop of the day was to the very large, Vanderbilt University. After a self guided tour and talking to a security guard it was time to head back to the car due to heat. At first I was not very impressed with the campus, thinking it looked too new and small. Once we realized we were only on the Education Campus it made much more sense and we found the beautiful old buildings I was expecting.

We then made at stop at the Visitor center to decide our next step. I chose the Country Music Hall of Fame and Tes went to a few galleries. I really enjoyed the Hall of Fame, made a friend, and learned a lot. Tes’s galleries weren’t that big but had a cool guitar made of crayon. We met up, put MORE money in the meter, walked the area known as lower Broadway, and headed to lunch. Who knew all these places were so small.

The flowers were nice, fried pickles awesome, and music very fun. Dessert was a bite of Blueberry Pie Fudge and Colt’s Bolts. The Colt Bolt was very yummy.

After lunch the rain began so instead of expensive mansions/plantations we headed to the Frist Center for the Visual Arts for some very cool exhibits. There was a hands on art corner for adults with over six different mediums of art you could play and experiment for. This was like the best kids corner for adults. I could have spent a long time in there. The other exhibits were Chihuly’s awesome glass pieces, Tokihiro Sato’s unique light ball photos, and Couture through the ages. This building was beautiful and there was a very informative friendly woman who gave us some good info.

Dinner was at taco Mamacita and it was very good. I think it was the most interesting nontraditional menu I have seen at a Mexican Restaurant. They will make what you ask for even if it is not on the menu which is cool, but why not just put it on the menu? After dinner Jill headed home and we headed to 3rd and Lindlsey.

While at 3rd and Lindlsey we got to experience three very different musicians/ entertainers. The last guy, Bushwalla, was by far the most entertaining and funny. Not a bad night, but also very strange. No one in this bar really spoke. It was silent except for one other table occasionally talking, even between sets. It was also dead, or what at least appeared to me as dead. That was sad to see. I guess most people were downtown for some good ole boy country.

Nashville has by far been the most expensive city I have been to on this trip. Which is strange. Cover charges, parking fee’s, and entrance costs to attractions is what I am basing this on. For that and he traffic I do not think it would be a city I would choose to live in. Who knows. I do know I do not find skinny feminine boys attractive. Give me a big manly man over this emo, hipster stuff going on. There seems to be a lot of it in Nashville. Overall a fun unique city really focused on music.


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