Monday, August 16, 2010


We have a new addition to the family....Dixie Belle aka Dixie Cup. Ryan, Addi and I went to the Dallas Animal Shelter and found the most wonderful, precious, crazy lab. She is awesome! She can sit, shake, doesn't jump on you unless you want it and is potty trained. I love her! (and I secretly want her to love me the most!) Ryan and Mom will have so much fun with her.

Addi and I meeting Dixie to see if she we wanted her.

Ryan of course was the decision maker :)

I will say, she really likes stuffed animals! and shoes...and raw biscuits...and quesadillas...and toddler food....and suckers (dum dums)

She has also encouraged Addison to explore new options...

On Monday morning, I left Dixie and Addison in my room so I could step into the bathroom to brush my teeth. I heard a commotion in the office and I found about 15 shoes on the floor and this........ does not take long to brush your teeth....seriously!

I will say I miss that dog! I am headed to Meridian tomorrow so I will get to play for a while.

When we go to Target Faith and Grace love getting Icees. Well yesterday they won a bet with Jeremy so all the girls got to go to Target and pick out a bouncy ball and their favorite drink. On the way home Grace yelled, "Mommy, I have neck freeze!" I of course contained my laughter and said, "neck freeze?" "Yes, that is when your neck gets so cold you absolutely cannot drink anything's frozen!" (brain freeze maybe?)

Oh and...they picked out the biggest bouncy balls I have ever seen! I had three of them in my car...flying and bouncing everywhere....they are so big it covered Addi's entire body when she held it in her lap. Never dull!


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