Wednesday, August 25, 2010

How to type Indian Rupee Symbol in MS-Word Using Keyboard? Download Rupee Font!!!

After the Official Symbol for the Indian Rupee was finalized by the Union Cabinet, every one in the country were curious about “How to Type Indian Rupee Symbol in Computer using MS-Word?“. So i thought of sharing this small tutorial on writing INR Rupee Symbol using computer keyboard.

indian rupee symbol selected

The symbol of Indian Rupee doesn’t have a Unicode character and it can take from a few days to a year for the new symbol to get accepted by the Unicode Consortium’s Unicode Technical Committee that is responsible for the development and maintenance of the Unicode Standard, including the Unicode Character Database.

Until then, you can use the Indian Rupee font designed by Foradian Technologies using (`) key of the keyboard.

Rupee Symbol on Keyboard

How to install Rupee font?

2. Copy the file to C:WindowsFonts directory.(for Windows XP users)

2. Right-click the file and choose “Install”. (for Windows 7/Vista users)

Type Rupee Symbol Keyboard

NOTE: As all the computers all not having this font installed, It is advised not to use this font in your documents such as MS-Word and other applications. Because, when you open such a document on another computer the viewer will not be able to see the symbol as the font is not installed on his computer. The Rupee font is strictly for designing purposes.

Foradian Technologies has also released Vector, EPS, Photoshop and Illustrator files for the Rupee symbol which are free to use.


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