Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Proper maintenance can save you money

As fuel prices rise, some analysts say Americans will continue to feel the pinch at the pump. Here are some easy maintenance tips that can help make the most of your gallon and save money down the road.

Be car care aware
Instead of taking that extra money and putting it elsewhere in your life, protect your investment. You can save between 7 and 49 cents a gallon, depending on your fuel mileage, with these simple tips:

  • The first one is easy and doesn’t cost anything. Because it’s also an important safety issue, the Car Care Council’s Women’s Board urges motorists to learn the following procedure. Use the number on the sticker in your doorjamb, or inside the gas door. This is the proper pressure for your year make and model. Always check tire pressures in the morning when the tires are cold. Save as much as two miles to the gallon by having the correct pressure. 

  • Another tip – replace the valve cover so you can keep that air. Another way to save 10 percent on your fuel economy is by changing your air filter regularly. It should cost about $5-20 for a new filter that will help your car run more smoothly. 

  • While you’re under the hood, check your spark plugs, as well. Spark plugs are something people don’t think about. Their job is to create a spark inside the engine to burn the fuel. If one of them is not functioning properly, you can waste a lot of additional fuel, so check your plugs every six months. 

  • One way to make the most of your gallon is by checking the gas cap. Make sure it is on tight. Believe it or not, last year, 147 million gallons of gas evaporated because people didn’t use their gas caps properly.

  • Even though it’s cheaper, it’s not a good idea to try to save money by downgrading to a lower octane gas. For the best fuel economy, use the gas that is recommended for your vehicle by the manufacturer. 

  • And finally, do not to drive aggressively. When that light turns green, it’s not a drag race. Every time you step on the gas really hard, you are wasting gas. Driving style is the final step toward saving those dollars per gallon.


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