Monday, August 16, 2010

Kandesn Skin Care

Hello, all of you in cyberspace! I hope life's been good to you. :) We're just loving summertime, like most folks.

Thankfully, I have my Kandesn Skin Care that I use on my face (and neck!) to keep me hydrated and looking radiant!

This is what Sunrider has to say about their wonderful products:

  • No mineral oil, lanolin, petroleum by-products or animal protein. We do not use these ingredients because they can clog the pores and damage the skin.

  • Contains an exclusive combination of superior ingredients from plant origins to moisturize naturally while cleansing gently yet effectively. Though using botanically derived ingredients may be expensive [for Sunrider], we feel the benefit outweighs the added cost. We will not compromise on quality, safety and effectiveness.

  • Slightly acidic to be in balance with the skin's natural PH and protect the skin.

  • Concentrated formulation as a result of owner expertise.

  • Suitable for all skin types.

  • Concentrated herbal extracts and antioxidants help protect from environmental elements.

  • Manufactured in Sunrider-owned state-of-the-art facilities.

  • Helps balance the skin's oil-water ratio.

Now folks, let me tell you that there are MANY products on the market out there that cleanse the HECK out of your skin and remove its natural oils. Doing this causes your body to produce MORE oil and then it becomes a vicious cycle: You trying to get rid of the oil and acne which in turn creates even more oil and acne.

Many moisturizing products, including expensive name brands, clog your pores with harmful ingredients and don't allow it to breathe, resulting in accelerated aging. Yikes!! Now, AGING isn't bad, it's just the ACCELERATED part that we're worried about, here...

STEP 1 - Kandesn Cleansing Cream is naturally mild and ideal for removing oil-based surface impurities and makeup with a soothing blend of herbal extracts that moisturize while cleansing.

STEP 2 - Kandesn Cleansing Foam helps remove even the smallest traces of water-based dirt and impurities.

STEP 3 - Kandesn Balancing Splash gently firms, tones, and invigorates the skin with concentrated plant extracts to hydrate after cleansing.

STEP 4 - Kandesn Deep Moisture Lotion is lightweight - not sticky or greasy - with rich emollients and mineral-laden herbs, so it not only softens rough, dry skin, but also helps seal in revitalizing moisture.

And MEN, don't think we've forgotten about you! Sunrider also has Dr Chen Men's Skin Care!

Now, many macho men are realizing the benefits to a tad bit of TLC (Tender Loving Care, got it?) to their skin. Check it out!

There's nothing better, I truly believe, than these magnificent, quality products! Email me to place your order and make you skin GLOW!


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