Monday, August 16, 2010

On Telepathy

I would go even further and say that telepathy is more specifically an animal, not a human form of communication; language has superseded telepathy as our default-mode of communication. In fact, this is why I was never able to (consciously) tell Freddie what to do (telepathically), because there are two different parts of the brain that separate our ability to tune in to our gut feelings and our ability to form conscious thoughts. And just as it's impossible for a radio dial to tune into both AM and FM frequencies at the same time, it's very rare for these two types of cognition to operate simultaneously in the human brain.

-Lee Charles Kelley August 6, 2010 Canine Communication, III: Are Dogs Telepathic?

I really liked this quote and I hope you all will read the entire blog posting about the possibility of telepathy's existence. I thought it was interesting that this blogger wrote on this topic as "My Puppy, My Self: How Dogs Make Us Human" is a blog by a dog trainer and mystery writer on Psychology Today--not something more esoteric.

That said, I'm not sure that tuning into AM and FM frequencies is the right analogy. I think a better one is that one can't both talk and listen at the same time on the phone and concentrate on both effectively.

When I'm doing an animal communication session, I'm not trying to "send" anything. Either the animal's person is on the phone with me asking a question which the animal perceives without my intervention, or if I'm reading an email from the person, the animal seems to "pick up" on it. If I were concentrating on "sending," I'm not sure how effective I'd be at reporting the animal's thoughts and feelings.

Animal communication is something that is very natural for me, but there are limitations in putting words to what is essentially a non-language way of communicating. Something is always lost, as humans tend to be more cognitive when dealing in language, and our companion animals tend to integrate thoughts and emotions very closely as they're neither repressing the feelings nor trying to verbalize them in words.

There are various people who recommend methods of communicating one's desires to one's animals by visualizing, etc. I'm not sure how well that works. I do know that I myself have cats who understand that I may not want a behavior but do it anyway. Why? If you've ever been on a diet and eaten something tempting off your plan, or if you've ever had any other sort of self-sabotaging behaviors that go against your conscious intentions, you will recognize that it's really easy for us to do things we think we "shouldn't." Why is it difficult to believe another animal could have the same types of complicated psychology?

If you do want to try to communicate telepathically with one of your animals, try to be in a receptive state and see what comes to you. Don't try to "send" anything. Just see what shows up. You might feel an emotion. You might see an image of cat food, or even smell something. You might find yourself thinking about something and realize it's your cat or dog's thoughts. Experiment. I believe that everyone should have some degree of communication with their animals and with their angels.... I will still always have clients. Having an animal communication session or a reading is something for confirmation of one's own intuition--or for more detail. Hmmm... maybe a future blog post. Stay tuned!


To contact Sue to get angelic guidance, to contact your animal companions both here or beyond the veil, to schedule a shamanic healing session, or simply to say "hi" and give me some feedback on my blog,please click here to email Sue. Please go to to follow my Twitter feed. My rates are in the "About Me, My Rates and What I Offer" section in the Links Section to the right of my page. Many blessings and thanks to you!


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