Monday, August 16, 2010

UPDATE on Nile's case.

So, I'm not sure if anyone out there is the least bit interest about my dog Nile and if anyone remember the unnecessary surgery he went threw back 2 months ago, but finally today we got a response I have been waiting for.

I wrote a letter to the owner of the practice and she called me back to say that she couldn't sit down and talk to me about the case because I had already filed with the veterinary medical question back to her was "when we had asked the doctor involved with the case to ask you to call us, did she and why didn't you call us back?" Her response was "yes, and well because I was not the veterinarian on the case I can not get involved." I asked her even though she was the hospital owner and that I had a problem with one of her employees.....and she said even then. So, gees thanks for making it seem like it's my fault because I filed again the vet.

WOW, another example of how this clinic relieves them selves of all responsibility.

So, now the question is, do I wait the 3-12 months to hear back from the veterinary medical board to see if they how they decided on the case, or do I go forward and file in small claims court?

Seems like if I could have the VMB(vet med board) side with me, small claims would be a lot easier. California statute of limitations says I have 3 years to file(on property...animal are considered property in california) i guess I have the time to wait.....before I decide I will be meeting with a Animal Lawyer for legal advise.


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