Monday, August 16, 2010

The World of Avery's Imagination

I taught Avery how to go online and play PBS and Nick JR. computer games, and that decision had a mixed baggage of consequences. She loved to play them, and I felt it was educationally healthier to let her play these online learning games than simply cater to her previous obsessive requests to watch SpongeBob during Addie's nap time. BUT she loved playing the computer games so much, that I couldn't convince her to do anything else. I think the child would've played them all-day, nonstop if I didn't intervene.

So what's the best cure for a child computer addict? Having her Lee-Lee (Keith's mom) come to town and remind her how much fun it can be to imaginative play. I slightly regret that Avery now wants NOTHING to do with computer games since that did give me a chance to nap and then start my dinner prep with no interruptions, but it's way more amusing to see Avery back in full-on imaginative play mode.

While Lee Lee was in town, she brought out the forgotten Legos, and Avery mastered her Legos skills in no time flat:And a return to her past love- lining up animals. I was pseudo-napping during this process, but Avery took each animal out of her toy bin, informed me of their absolutely random names(example: she held up one of the horses to my face and said "I call this one Fly-Jumper Chan Horse.") I half slept and listened to each animal's name, everything from "Key-Foot Piggie Smile" to "Heart Flower Mother Breena.") She'd then set each one down in her line up and repeat the process, animal by animal: Next, she decided the animals needed a new home and continued to move them and line them up, one by one, including random commentary, to the preferred piano location:And her latest endeavor- she got a hold of and opened up a hidden bag of water balloons, sorted them out by color, placed them on the table as "seeds," and then took my fake flowers off the dining room table and placed each flower on top of the "seeds:"
I'm just eager to figure out what she'll come up with tomorrow!


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