Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Online bulletin board signs MediaNews

The technology news website TechCrunch reports that MediaNews -- publisher of the Mercury News, Contra Costa Times and other Bay Area dailies -- is among several newspaper groups to sign with San Francisco-based PaperG to provide ad platforms for their websites. The newspaper's ads will be shown in a "virtual bulletin board" format called Flyerboard, according to TechCrunch.

    PaperG’s Flyerboard is effectively a virtual bulletin board, the standard design even mimics the appearance of fliers on a corkboard. A local retailer submits an image and some basic information and Flyerboard automatically converts that data into an interactive ad that can be easily shared via social networks, like Facebook and Twitter, or e-mail. Through the ad platform, publishers can quickly post and manage their ads, look at analytics, and bill clients.

Terms weren't disclosed but PaperG typically gets 20% to 30% of a publisher's gross revenue from Flyerboard ads. Advertisers pay $150 to $400 a week.


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