Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Video In Print Magazines

Ever since Entertainment Weekly put a video (chip?) in an issue of their print magazine awhile back I have been mesmerized with the concept. Now Meredith Corp.’s Successful Farming has included a video ad in their August issue.

I am still like a kid in an astrology lab, being completely blown away with all the new wonderment! This video-in-print-pages process, I admit, I don't understand...but, I'm just flabbergasted by the whole reality of it!

Jason Fell, FOLIO magazine, wrote this fine piece today about video in print:

It was only a matter of time before more print magazines followed Entertainment Weekly’s footsteps and start incorporating video elements into their print magazines. Next up on the list is Meredith Corp.’s Successful Farming, which partnered with advertiser Bayer CropScience to develop a video insert that appeared in the August issue.

According to publisher Scott Mortimer, Successful Farming and the pesticide company—through its communications agency Rhea+Kaiser—began collaborating on the initiative more than six months ago. The ad, for Bayer’s Votivo product, is a four-page insert that includes a two-inch-by-two-inch video screen on page 20 of the magazine. The screen plays an opening message when a reader opens to the page and then four additional videos depending on which buttons the reader pushes.

The video ad insert was distributed to 17,000 of Successful Farming’s subscribers. The magazine helped cross reference its sub list with the Bayer CropScience’s database in order to target the most qualified potential customers for the Votivo product.

Read more and see a demonstatiion video at


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