Monday, August 16, 2010

Safari Animal Cake

As I was thinking of a title for this cake, I realized that I don't know if this is a jungle cake or a safari cake. Hmm, any thoughts on that? In any case, it's a cake with wild animals on it :) Jennifer wanted a cake for Caden's 4th birthday and she said that once he saw the animal cake, he was sold. While we were in the planning and designing phase, Jennifer emailed to say that Caden has been drawing sketches of his own. I was SO impressed! Caden suggested adding a snake crawling up the tree and I thought that was a genius idea. Perhaps more kids should draw their own cake sketches more often. So I decided to make a monkey, giraffe, lion, zebra, tiger, and elephant for little Caden. All of the animals were made out of fondant as were the leaves for the palm tree.

For those of you that are curious, I made the palm trees by wrapping fondant around a thick straw and then adding the palm leaves after they dried into shape. Easy, right? :) haha. The top tier was actually a fake tier and the bottom was a Chocolately Chocolate Cake (chocolate cake layered with rich chocolate buttercream). I know Jennifer loved the cake and I just hope Caden was impressed by the cake. I wonder if it matched his sketch...


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