Monday, August 16, 2010

Summer of the Cat

This summer has been absolutely dreadful for...well, everybody at the shelter. But especially cats. As I've mentioned before. Over this last weekend, I believe we received about 20 cats. Perhaps we did 2 adoptions. You don't need to be good at numbers to know how quickly that is going downhill. The especially irritating part is that the vast majority of our cats right now are completely wonderful. There's just no one coming in.
This stunning boy is Oscar, and I just adore him. He's really new, he arrived August 5 and just got out of the stray room. He is super handsome, with gorgeous fur and the friendliest personality ever. I could spend all day with this guy, he's wonderful.
And on the complete opposite end of the spectrum, this is Madden. Madden has been waiting the longest of all our cats - he's been there since February. That's almost six months! He's a complete nutcase, bursting with energy and very bossy to other cats, but he's also very affectionate and has been waiting way too long for his chance.
Speaking of waiting way too long, this is Cloudia. Cloudia is a shy girl, although she's improved a lot while at the shelter. She is very sweet and loves to be cuddled. She's been waiting for almost four months now!
Charlie is just awesome and it makes absolutely no sense that she's been waiting two months. She is a pudgy cuddler, and she loves everybody. She is one of the most laid-back cats I've ever seen. This is not a very good photo, but she also happens to be super-cute.
And finally there's Katia, who is a bit aloof for about 3 minutes, before she becomes a total cuddler. She also happens to be gorgeous - I just love her markings. I can never resist stopping to say hi to this girl.

Here's something cool - every Tuesday, CP24 airs a program called 'Animal House Calls'. Nicola, one of our workers, goes on it fairly often, and she's started showing my cat photos! It's pretty cool to see my photos on TV, but even better, one of our cats got adopted specifically because someone saw her photo - and that is what it's all about!


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