Wednesday, August 25, 2010

No one is writing...

Good evening blog fans,

Today was an exciting day, we left Jasper and headed to Miet Hot Springs where we spent a couple of hours relaxing in the hot springs, you would think wow, nice, not so fast fans, we were in the pool for 10 minutes and then everyone got kicked out because a thunder and lightning storm broke out and there was one flash right over head so out you get and then you wait... and wait... and wait, they kick you out for 30 minutes and if within that time there is more lightning close by then you wait another 30 minutes, I think we waited about an hour, sitting in the dressing room in a cold wet bathing suit socializing with everybody around. It was fun...

This evening I am blogging on a public computer as where we are staying does not have wireless in the room. I am also being suzy homemaker and doing laundry at the same time, multi tasking.... yah... Oh, tonight we have a TV in our room, the first since Sunday, it will be a treat to watch some television before bed...

And for you sport fans... the score is still zero-zero, no runners on and no score!


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