Wednesday, August 25, 2010

The Stupidity of IT

This is an off-topic post about something that I witnessed not too long ago at my job.  

I happened to be walking by one of our conference rooms and noticed something really peculiar. There were about 20 overdressed guys in suits, all sitting around two tables that they had joined together.  The projector was displaying something on the screen, yet all of the conference room lights were on (insert "here's your sign").  Everyone was shaking their heads in what seemed like a synchronized bow of approval, gawking at what was on the screen in front of them.

Given this mass reaction, I half expected to see something that would be mind-blowing, or a cure for some disease...I even would've been OK to see some new software that a company was soullessly trying to sell to us for thousands of dollars.  But, alas, I saw one of the dumbest things I have ever seen in my entire life - please look below:

No, I didn't leave out any additional text that might make this grid make any more sense.  It was really this stupid.  I don't know what they could've been talking about, but this, regardless of the conversation, is just plain asinine.  

Do you ever question your job?  

I did that day, and I have been laughing (and crying) about this ever since.


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